Category Archives: Cannabis

Omega-3 fatty acids may play role in bipolar disorder – Medical Xpress

(HealthDay)—There may be a link between levels of omega-3 fatty acids and bipolar disorder, according to a small study published in the November issue of Bipolar Disorders.

1/2 joint of marijuana causes schizophrenia-like symptoms

(London Daily Mail) Smoking cannabis can induce psychosis-like effects, similar to the symptoms people diagnosed with schizophrenia endure, scientists have said. While past research as come this this conclusion in the past …

Medicalising, differentiating between major depressive and bipolar …

Many patients with bipolar disorder, a debilitating mental condition that can take a person from the sluggishness of severe depression to super-human energy levels, are often misdiagnosed as having major depressive …

PTSD & Cannabis Study Seeks Veteran Participants | Cannabis …

One group in particular has been making major headlines lately are veterans who have been struggling to find a legal way to treat their post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Luckily, there has been some traction in this area …

Lower availability of omega-3 fatty acids associated with bipolar …

People with bipolar disorder have lower levels of certain omega-3 fatty acids that cross the blood-brain barrier than people who do not, according to researchers from Penn State College of Medicine and the National Institutes …