Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

How Those With Schizophrenia Misinterpret Social Cues | Psych …

People who suffer from schizophrenia often misinterpret social cues, which can lead to unpleasant and often paranoid or persecutory thoughts. A new study.

Treating Bipolar Disorder in Houston | Houston Matters

Whether you realize it or not, you might know someone battling with a mental illness, because nearly one in five American adults are. One such mental illness is bipolar disorder, which can manifest itself as pretty extreme …

Having A Threesome And Having Bipolar | MadameNoire

Or was I frightened, given my history with hypersexuality and bipolar disorder, that any interest would signal a descent into mania? For a while, I entertained the prospect of having a threesome. Under boyfriend circumstances …

Mom: Naked, Bloodied Teen Has Schizophrenia, Was On Drugs …

But while battling bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia, Anglin's mother acknowledges her son is also fighting drug addiction. She admits that he was on methamphetamine during Monday's incident. Denise says her son is …

Impulse Control and Bipolar Disorder | bpHope – bp Magazine …

Plus, there might be some who not only have bipolar disorder and the difficulties that come with control one's impulses, but they also might have an impulse disorder (a type of co-occurring diagnosis). Last December I really …