Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

Inflammation in Brain Linked to Schizophrenia Risk | Psych Central …

Inflammation in the brain is linked to a greater risk of schizophrenia, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. The research is the first to show that immune cells are more active in the brains of …

Health News – Project to identify genetic factors in bipolar disorder

A new project to sequence the genomes of families living with bipolar disorder should identify some of the complex genetic factors behind the debilitating disease. Bipolar.jpg. A new Garvan-led project is aiming to identify the …

Defying Society's Expectations Of My Bipolar Disorder | Femsplain

I have bipolar disorder. It manifested itself very young in my life with a disposition towards being a very whiney, anxious child. I continued over the course of the early years of my life without having lots of friends. I was always …

I Didn't Choose to Have Bipolar Disorder | Don't Call Me Crazy

Let's pretend that living with bipolar disorder isn't life sucking. Does the average person think it's a lifestyle choice? That I chose to have bipolar?

Brain Inflammation May Be Linked to Schizophrenia – Health News …

FRIDAY, Oct. 15, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Researchers say they've found a link between brain inflammation and schizophrenia. British investigators used PET scans to assess immune cell activity in the brains of 56 people.