The combination of rejection and bipolar disorder is equally difficult when on the giving and the receiving end of romantic rejection.
Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder
People With Schizophrenia Face Much Higher Risk of Early Death …
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 28, 2015 (HealthDay News) — American adults with schizophrenia face a much higher risk of an early death, particularly from heart and lung diseases associated with smoking, a new study finds. The rise …
Psych Central Supports the Bipartisan Mental Health Reform Act of …
mental-health-reform-act-murphy-cassidy-2015 We believe that mental health and behavioral healthcare reforms in the United States are vital. The vision that President Kennedy had in 1963 about accessible mental health …
Should You Use Your Employer's Mental Health Screening Tools …
In a word, no. Employer's screening tools for any kind of mental health issue — if not required by working in a sensitive industry — should be avoided, as they bring little value to you, the employee, that you can't get elsewhere.
How a Nurse Practitioner Living With Bipolar Disorder Takes Control …
However, Ann writes so openly about living with postpartum onset bipolar disorder as a guest contributor on several websites and in her blog, Bipolar&Me. She dispels the misconception that people diagnosed with bipolar …