Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

Managing Romantic Rejection And Bipolar Disorder | MadameNoire

The combination of rejection and bipolar disorder is equally difficult when on the giving and the receiving end of romantic rejection.

People With Schizophrenia Face Much Higher Risk of Early Death …

WEDNESDAY, Oct. 28, 2015 (HealthDay News) — American adults with schizophrenia face a much higher risk of an early death, particularly from heart and lung diseases associated with smoking, a new study finds. The rise …

Psych Central Supports the Bipartisan Mental Health Reform Act of …

mental-health-reform-act-murphy-cassidy-2015 We believe that mental health and behavioral healthcare reforms in the United States are vital. The vision that President Kennedy had in 1963 about accessible mental health …

Should You Use Your Employer's Mental Health Screening Tools …

In a word, no. Employer's screening tools for any kind of mental health issue — if not required by working in a sensitive industry — should be avoided, as they bring little value to you, the employee, that you can't get elsewhere.

How a Nurse Practitioner Living With Bipolar Disorder Takes Control …

However, Ann writes so openly about living with postpartum onset bipolar disorder as a guest contributor on several websites and in her blog, Bipolar&Me. She dispels the misconception that people diagnosed with bipolar …