Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

'Empathy gaps' causing trauma in community mental health care

That's the reality faced by some mental health patients under Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) because of a perceived lack of empathy and understanding among some of the workers meant to be helping them, according …

Man killed by Portland police 'was just swallowed' by bipolar …

The 51-year-old, the youngest of her two sons, had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder as an adult, had seen psychiatrists, attended a day treatment program and changed medications to see what would work best. But his …

Virginia Tech shooting has lessons for strengthening college mental …

As the nation reels from another mass shooting on a college campus, analysis of the 2007 attack at Virginia Tech University highlights the need for "comprehensive and coordinated mental health services on college …

Adrenaline Rushes and Bipolar Disorder | Breaking Bipolar …

I was thinking about adrenaline and bipolar disorder the other day after I got the hang off the side of the CN Tower, the tallest, free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. Taking the Edge Walk, as they call it, around …

Identifying Unique and Shared Brain Patterns in Bipolar Disorder …

Researchers identify unique and shared brain patterns in ADHD and bipolar disorder, which could aid diagnosis and treatment in the future. A new King's College London study has identified both unique and shared brain …