Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

Using A 12 Step Approach For PTSD Recovery | Trauma! A PTSD …

Recovery from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) comes in many forms, one of which is utilizing the transferable principles of a 12 step program. Many of us who suffer from PTSD also suffer from addiction to drugs or …

Walking the Walk of Mental Illness | Psychology Today

See original article:  Walking the Walk of Mental Illness | Psychology Today

Imagination and the Diametric Model of Mental Illness | Psychology …

Originally posted here:  Imagination and the Diametric Model of Mental Illness | Psychology …

17 things to never say to a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder

Going to bed on an argument isn't our style. Whilst you've casually dismissed it as a minor disagreement and all but forgotten about it, we're worrying that you hate us and will never speak to us again. So please, stay awake …

Risk Factors Help Predict Violence in Adults with Mental Illness …

New research suggest three factors increase the risk of violent behavior among people with mental illness. Investigators discovered alcohol use, engagement in violent behavior, or being the victim of violent behavior predict …