Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

Mayo Clinic researchers identify six potential biomarkers for bipolar I …

Mayo Clinic researchers have discovered a series of proteins that could be diagnostic markers to identify bipolar I disorder. If this discovery sample can be validated through replication these markers may help as a diagnostic .

Here's Why Glenn Close Wants To End The Stigma Around Mental …

Glenn Close, esteemed Hollywood actress and six-time Academy Award nominee, thinks that “ending the stigma around mental disorders is one of the greatest challenges of our time.” …

Omega-3 fatty acids may play role in bipolar disorder – Medical Xpress

(HealthDay)—There may be a link between levels of omega-3 fatty acids and bipolar disorder, according to a small study published in the November issue of Bipolar Disorders.

My Mental Health Christmas List | Recovering from Mental Illness …

There's a popular Christmas song called My Grown-Up Christmas List. In the song, the musician sings about a desire for healing, peace, and friendship. In keeping with that spirit, here is my Mental Health Christmas list.

PTSD Recovery: How to Cope With Triggers | Trauma! A PTSD Blog …

Internal and external PTSD triggers can be difficult to manage. Read more for coping techniques and strategies for dealing with PTSD triggers.