Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

12-year-old murder suspect denied mental health treatment for months

A mentally-ill girl accused of murder spent more than 120 days at this juvenile detention center before the state reluctantly agreed to provide her treatment. Judge Matthew Hanson says the state is not doing enough to help …

To Demi Lovato, From a Mother of a Girl With Bipolar Disorder | The …

Dear Demi,. I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of my 11-year-old daughter who has bipolar disorder. You see, because you are so willing to talk openly about having bipolar disorder, you have helped reduce the stigma …

Small Study Sees Differences in Brains of Soldiers With PTSD …

Source article: Small Study Sees Differences in Brains of Soldiers With PTSD …

Why We Need to Abandon the Disease-Model of Mental Health Care

… about the nature and origins of mental health problems. We need wholesale and radical change, not only in how we understand mental health problems, but also in how we design and commission mental health services.

Schizoaffective Disorder, Ethics, and Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys

In schizoaffective disorder, a mood episode and the active-phase symptoms of schizophrenia occur together and are preceded or are followed by at least 2 weeks of delusions or hallucinations without prominent mood …