Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

The Lance : Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Originally from:   The Lance : Understanding Bipolar Disorder

How Do Mental Illness Diagnoses Really Compare to Medical …

One of the common complaints I hear about mental illness diagnoses is that they are "unscientific," based upon a bunch of subjective symptoms that are.

Study Looks at Quality of Mental Health Care in US Military | Psych …

In a new RAND Corporation Study that evaluated the quality of mental health care in the United States military, researchers found both areas of excellence and.

5 Realities of Living With Bipolar Disorder | Bipolar Laid Bare

5 Realities of Living With Bipolar Disorder Living with bipolar disorder is awful. It's hard to explain to people who have never experienced it. Even those of us who have it aren't really able to fully understand this loathsome …

Mental Illness Rears Its Beautiful Mind and Goes Wide

In November, the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio and his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, launched ThriveNYC, a mental-health initiative, aimed at early detection, prevention and treatment of those suffering from mental …