Category Archives: Autism

Low Omega-3's Linked with Bipolar Disorder | Psych Central News

A new study finds that people with bipolar disorder have lower levels of certain omega-3 fatty acids that cross the blood-brain barrier than people who do.

Neuroimaging Parses Networks Tied to Schizophrenia Symptoms …

New brain imaging research has shown how different brain networks contribute to distinct sub-symptoms of schizophrenia — distinctions that are not recognizable.

Girl Scout promotes reading to help teens deal with mental illness …

And as this week's FOX 4 Reaching 4 Excellence Young Achiever turns the page on her mental health challenges, she shows us we can also read for recovery. Sixteen-year-old Teresa Shockley is drawn to books, especially …

Lower availability of omega-3 fatty acids associated with bipolar …

People with bipolar disorder have lower levels of certain omega-3 fatty acids that cross the blood-brain barrier than people who do not, according to researchers from Penn State College of Medicine and the National Institutes …

Neurological underpinnings of schizophrenia just as complex as the …

CHAPEL HILL, NC – Schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder affecting about one in 100 people, is notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat, in large part because it manifests differently in different people. A new study …