Neurosurgeons hope to treat some of the most intractable mental disorders by putting advanced arrays of electrodes into patients' brains.
A Shocking Way to Fix the Brain – Technology Review
Neurosurgeons hope to treat some of the most intractable mental disorders by putting advanced arrays of electrodes into patients' brains.
BuzzFeed News spoke to four people diagnosed with schizophrenia about the importance of destigmatising the condition and providing access…
While most of my blog topics have been positive in nature, this one is more serious because it's SO important. I had NO idea how common postpartum depression is for new moms. In fact, postpartum depression is the most …
“We have all become less able to tolerate ambiguity and the unknown due to the incredible technological advances we have seen,” says Carrie Landa, director of Behavioral Medicine at Student Health Services. “Immediacy is …
A book by the former congressman has upset family members over his portrayal of secrecy, substance abuse and mental illness.