Category Archives: Anxiety

Top Ten Body Gestures Tips

Data from Mental Health’s Institute show up to 40-million adult Americans suffer within any year from some kind of anxiety condition. A place of the brain called the amygdala and a pivotal role play in evoking the symptoms experienced with these problems. Therapy treatments which influence this area …

How to Treat Borderline Personality Disorder (Part 1) | Psych Central …

Research has been conducted on the effectiveness of schema therapy for the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD), which shows that the treatment is a very effective intervention for people struggling with the …

Chris Campbell: UCLA must provide alternative mental health services

College is hard. Exams, homework, extracurricular activities and work cause everyone stress. But for students with mental illness, it can be debilitating. That's what makes UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services, …

Social Anxiety, Jumping to Conclusions, and Peace of Mind | Anxiety …

Someone living with social anxiety disorder might have a job she loves but can't enjoy; she lives in perpetual fear of her supervisors and coworkers thinking she's inferior and hating her because of it. Someone else might have …

Advocates encourage 'Mental Health First Aid' training programs …

Advocates in our region are working to train people in the community to provide emergency help in mental illness situations.