Category Archives: Anxiety

The Strange, Surprisingly Effective Cure for Social Anxiety – The Atlantic

Hofmann: What needs to happen is that people should face their anxiety. What we do is called cognitive behavioral therapy, a non-medication option which is more effective in the long term than medication treatment. You try to identify what kinds of thoughts people have in these situations, what sort …

Understanding Antisocial Personality Disorder | The Exhausted …

The former names of psychopath or sociopath are much more understandable and create a more immediate comprehension. Since APDs (Antisocial Personality Disorder) tend not to care too much about what other people …

ideas for performance art pieces: -scream for 10 minutes nonstop -curl up on the floor and have a…

ideas for performance art pieces: > -scream for 10 minutes nonstop -curl up on the floor and have a panic attack, right there in front of everyone, and title the piece “what it feels like to do performance art when you have an anxiety disorder”

Lana Del Rey Talks Fear of Death, Panic Attacks –

Lana Del Rey graces Billboard's latest cover, where she opens up about her tendency to get panic attacks, and how she's dealt with them over the years. According to Del Rey, she's always been anxiety-prone, especially …

Social Anxiety Challenge #1: A Second Entry …

I never really figured out how intense my social anxiety is. At times when I am in the comforting clutches of my home, I think to myself that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my functioning. I am how everyone is supposed …