Category Archives: Anxiety

Nobody Processes Emotion: A PTSD Sufferer's Step-By-Step Guide …

My version of PTSD, that I am on government disability for, is mainly described through explanations of social anxiety and agoraphobia. Those are pretty words. They even make me sound like a cute nervous little fellow.

Video takes a bipartisan approach toward treating mental illness …

If you missed it, the short documentary film about mental illness, including depression and anxiety — “Opening Minds, Ending Stigma: A Young Person's Perspective” — that first aired Saturday night on WDIV-TV can be viewed …

Debunking the Myth of Mental Weakness in PTSD Sufferers …

One of the biggest myths about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is that those who suffer from it have some sort of mental weakness because they developed PTSD. I understand why people think that way. When I was …

Students with social anxiety should not feel alone on campus

According to, social anxiety is a disorder in which one has “the fear of interaction with other people that brings on self-consciousness, feelings of being negatively judged and evaluated, and, as a …

The Effectiveness of Talk Therapies for Bipolar Disorder | Psych …

Lithium, the first drug treatment used for bipolar disorder, was considered so effective when it was introduced that medication has been the primary focus of.