Planning with bipolar is tough, use these tips to successfully plan if you have bipolar disorder.
Category Archives: Anxiety
Mental Health Awareness Month | GSAÉD
November is Mental Health Awareness Month and, to shed some light on mental health issues on campus, GSAÉD is bringing you a series of events! This year we have a variety of events to help you de-stress, learn the signs …
Antipsychiatry, Stigma And Schizoaffective Disorder | Creative …
Antipsychiatry stigma can affect people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. And having schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder is hard enough without having people tell you that you shouldn't be taking your …
Social Anxiety and Relationship Incompatibility | Daisies and Darkness
Social anxiety disorder is a type of complex phobia. This type of phobia has a disruptive or disabling impact on a person's life. It can severely affect a person's confidence and self-esteem, interfere with relationships and impair …
Depression and Anxiety Could Be Helped With Online Cognitive …
Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) combined with clinical care has been shown to benefit people with depression, anxiety and emotional distress from illness, according to an evidence-based review in …