Category Archives: Anxiety

PTSD Recovery: When to Share Your Diagnosis | Trauma! A PTSD …

Deciding when to share your posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis, and with whom, can be difficult to do. Even though talking about it, and seeking support from others, is an important step toward recovery, choosing …

Poorer areas need better access to mental healthcare

People who live in poorer areas in England are more likely to need mental healthcare but are less likely to access support and to recover from their symptoms following treatment, according to researchers at the University …

Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Now@NEJM Now@NEJM

Persistent anxiety and uncontrollable worry for at least 6 months characterize generalized anxiety disorder. First-line treatments are cognitive behavioral therapy or pharmacotherapy with a selective serotonin-reuptake or …

8 Tried And Tested Ways Of Overcoming Social Anxiety | TruthTheory

by Altheia Luna. Suffering from social anxiety is like tiptoeing along the edge of a very steep cliff. The slightest look, the subtlest tone of voice, the smallest gesture that anyone does can set you off into a tirade of insecure, …

Rockford mental health advocates say budget cuts are costing the …

While the budget impasse is causing some mental health programs to cut services, mental health advocates say these cuts are actually costing you more in the long haul. "They put me on medication," Gregory Motley said.