Category Archives: Anxiety

Is perinatal anxiety a bigger problem than postnatal depression …

Soon afterwards – with physical problems ruled out – she was diagnosed with postnatal depression and anxiety. It was both a relief and a surprise. “I wasn't down or sad. I was hyperactive, constantly buzzing, on edge and …

Mental Health in America: A Shakespearean Tragedy – Psych Central

Social factors, environmental triggers, and increased stress in modern life all influence mental health, including the onset of depression. With healthcare expenditures approaching $3 trillion, our disorders and diseases are …

Cutting the Soul: A journey into the mental illness of a teenager …

Mothers of those with mental illness share a special burden that they rest of us can only begin to imagine. They have raised and loved a person, but that person seems to have disappeared. In her book, Cutting the Soul: A …

Social Anxiety – More Than Shyness |

According to WebMD (n.d.), social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, is where “a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations.” With individuals who have social anxiety disorder, they may fall into one of …

Real Psychiatry: NEJM Review of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

There was a review of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in this week's New England Journal of Medicine by Stein and Sareen (1). I just did a bit of a critical review of the concept here and thought I would look at what these …