Category Archives: Anxiety

Neurochemical Imbalance Linked with Susceptibility to PTSD …

Prior research has shown that people with PTSD have altered brain anatomy and function. In the new study, researchers discovered people with PTSD have an imbalance between two neurochemical signalling systems of the …

How Much Do You Spend On Mental Healthcare – BuzzFeed

Because mental healthcare costs are not one size fits all…

Columbia River Mental Health Services – Helping Ourselves and …

The holiday season is fast approaching and for many this is a time of joy, traditions, friends, and family. Many look forward to this season with hope of things to come and times to share. Alternately, as the holidays approach so …

Medicalising, differentiating between major depressive and bipolar …

Many patients with bipolar disorder, a debilitating mental condition that can take a person from the sluggishness of severe depression to super-human energy levels, are often misdiagnosed as having major depressive …

Low Omega-3's Linked with Bipolar Disorder | Psych Central News

A new study finds that people with bipolar disorder have lower levels of certain omega-3 fatty acids that cross the blood-brain barrier than people who do.