The idea that people might be paying particular attention to what you do makes a lot of kids anxious. Some kids feel so anxious that they develop something called social anxiety disorder, which is diagnosed when you worry so much about …
Category Archives: ADHD
Meet a Mother and Her 7-Year-Old With PTSD – ProPublica
Thousands of Americans in high-violence neighborhoods have developed post-traumatic stress. 24-year-old Aireana and her children are among the few who've been able to get treatment.
The Hidden Cost of Gun Violence: Meet a Mother and Her 7-Year …
Thousands of Americans in high-violence neighborhoods have developed post-traumatic stress. 24-year-old Aireana and her children are among the few who've been able to get treatment.
Medicaid payment woes plague Idaho mental health service providers
Optum says it has fixed a glitch that resulted in tiny claims payments to the companies, which provide counseling and other behavioral health services to low-income and disabled adults and children on Medicaid. Optum says …
High Maintenance or Histrionic Personality Disorder? | Psych Central
In either instance, chances are that you have encountered the classic histrionic personality disorder. This person exhibits a chronic pattern of attention seeking and excessive emotionality consisting of at least five of the …