Category Archives: ADHD

Bipolar Disorder and ADHD Combined | Bipolar Laid Bare

That means that in the mental illness cluster that includes things like ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD and substance abuse, ADHD and bipolar disorder are often found alongside at least one …

Mental Health Hygiene Habits | World of Psychology – Psych Central

Most of us probably were not intentionally taught good mental health hygiene habits. These habits also bring consistency to our lives, promote wellness and resilience, and protect us from becoming overwhelmed by mental …

When Your Roommate Has Bipolar Disorder | Relationships and …

Those effects can be felt more acutely by those who live with someone suffering with a mental illness. When your roommate has bipolar disorder — or any other mental illness — they may unwittingly be responsible for taking …

Adrenaline Rushes and Bipolar Disorder | Breaking Bipolar …

I was thinking about adrenaline and bipolar disorder the other day after I got the hang off the side of the CN Tower, the tallest, free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. Taking the Edge Walk, as they call it, around …

Identifying Unique and Shared Brain Patterns in Bipolar Disorder …

Researchers identify unique and shared brain patterns in ADHD and bipolar disorder, which could aid diagnosis and treatment in the future. A new King's College London study has identified both unique and shared brain …