Category Archives: ADHD

Separating Social Anxiety Disorder and Shyness –

Social anxiety disorder is a double edged sword of misunderstanding but you need to separate social anxiety and shyness to decrease stigma. On the one side, we've got people saying that we're just shy, which is perceived …

California Case Shows How Mental Health Cuts Overload ERs …

States cut five billion dollars in mental health services from 2009 to 2012, according to USA Today. A new article online in Annals of Emergency.

Mental Health in America: A Shakespearean Tragedy – Psych Central

Social factors, environmental triggers, and increased stress in modern life all influence mental health, including the onset of depression. With healthcare expenditures approaching $3 trillion, our disorders and diseases are …

Cutting the Soul: A journey into the mental illness of a teenager …

Mothers of those with mental illness share a special burden that they rest of us can only begin to imagine. They have raised and loved a person, but that person seems to have disappeared. In her book, Cutting the Soul: A …

PTSD Recovery: When to Share Your Diagnosis | Trauma! A PTSD …

Deciding when to share your posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis, and with whom, can be difficult to do. Even though talking about it, and seeking support from others, is an important step toward recovery, choosing …