Category Archives: ADHD

Schizophrenia in the Workplace | Creative … –

Many high-functioning people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder have jobs. Jobs that they get up and go to and where they work alongside other people. You might work alongside one of us with schizophrenia or …

Untreated Mental Illness | Psychology Today

Though mental illness remains heavily stigmatized, with politicians blaming everything from poverty to crime on mental health issues, mental illness is common. About a quarter of the population will face a mental health issue …

Insurgency Phase of Iraq War Tied to Higher Rates of PTSD …

Then they analyzed whether veterans who fought during the insurgency phase, during which more guerilla-style tactics were used, were more likely to develop PTSD than those who deployed during the initial invasion phase …

Top 10 Psychology & Mental Health Topics of 2015 | World of …

Meanwhile, we continue to bring psychology and mental health to the masses — our mission for the past 20 years. It's a mission of hope, because although we reach 8 million people a month on Psych Central, there are …

Guerilla Tactics Tied to Greater PTSD Risk for Vets | Psych Central …

Veterans who have faced guerilla warfare tactics, such as suicide attacks and roadside bombs, are at greater risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than those who fought in more conventional warfare, according to a …