
PTSD and Pregnancy – MGH Center for Women's Mental Health

Understanding posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during pregnancy is important given that PTSD is relatively common and persistent in nature. PTSD will occur in approximately 10% of women in their lifetime, with one-third …

A Combo of Schizophrenia and an Affective Mood Disorder …

Most clinicians and researchers agree that schizoaffective disorder is a type of schizophrenia. To diagnose this disorder, a person must show the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia and the mood disturbances associated with an affective …

My Medicaid Matters | Center for Disability Rights

Being disabled shouldn't signify you're unable to have goals; it should only mean you have to do things differently in order to achieve them. I live with a disability called Spinal Muscular Atrophy type II. It's a disease that causes muscle …

PTSD and Holiday Season Triggers –

The holidays are supposed to be an enjoyable time spent with friends and family, but in all honesty, PTSD and holidays don't always mix well together. My husband is not the greatest at showing positive emotions, so instead …

Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment | Psych Central

Social Anxiety Disorder — also known as social phobia — is commonly treated by either psychotherapy or certain types of psychiatric medications. Social phobia.