
Mental Illness Can Shorten Lives More Than Chain-Smoking

by Maanvi Singh Mental disorders can reduce life expectancy by 10 to 20 years, as much as or even more than smoking over 20 cigarettes a day, a study finds. We know that smoking boosts the risk of cancer and heart disease, says , a psychiatrist at Oxford University who led the study. But aside […]

Postnatal depression: what the baby books don't tell you | Tania …

As Mental Health Awareness Week draws to a close, Tania Browne appeals for wider recognition of the risk factors for postnatal depression or the 'baby blues'

NHS England » Mental health care technology: collaborate, share …

We will need to take care that we are not creating new vulnerabilities in those who may not wish to use technology, or do not have the resources or the knowledge to use it, mental health services have led the way in …

We must improve medication safety in mental health care

NHS England's National Clinical Director for Mental Health said: “We must make sure we tackle the higher levels of mortality and reduced life expectancy in patients with mental illness and we are committed to pushing mental …

Observing National Mental Health Awareness Month |

During Mental Health Awareness Month, we recognize the significant advances our nation has made in our understanding of mental illness and in improving support and care for individuals with mental health problems.