
UCSA picks mental health awareness as next campaign at annual …

IRVINE — The University of California Student Association selected mental health awareness as the subject of its next campaign at its 17th annual congress that took place over the weekend. At its annual congress, UCSA, …

Have Your Say on Victoria's New 10-Year Mental Health Plan …

Health · Media Release. The Andrews Labor Government is calling for people from across Victoria to have their input into the new 10-year Mental Health Plan, to better ensure the mental health and wellbeing of our state into the future. The Government will consult widely to produce a plan that … There are many great things about our specialist mental health services, and there are also opportunities for improvement. The Labor Government is focused on delivering the …

Creepypasta – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

On my boss's prompting I decided to try something called Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT for short. It is where not only are you trained against your fear, but

Birth factors may predict schizophrenia in genetic subtype of …

Low birth weight and preterm birth appear to increase the risk of schizophrenia among individuals with a genetic condition called the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, a new study shows.

Transforming Mental Health Services | Windsor Regional Hospital

Part of this innovative plan includes a major transformation of Mental Health & Addictions services in this region. The proposal calls for a new 60-bed acute mental health wing at the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Tayfour …