
Impulse Control and Bipolar Disorder | bpHope – bp Magazine …

Plus, there might be some who not only have bipolar disorder and the difficulties that come with control one's impulses, but they also might have an impulse disorder (a type of co-occurring diagnosis). Last December I really …

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones Divorce: Fighting …

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones Divorce: Fighting Bitterly in Public – Bipolar Disorder. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are fighting bitterly and heading for divorce accoding to recent reports. The racquet …

Why Therapy Can't Treat Uncontrolled, Serious Mental Illnesses

I have been through lots of therapy and lots of therapists in my life and my contention is that therapy can't be used to actually treat uncontrolled, serious mental illnesses. Now, don't get me wrong, therapy can be supportive to …

Iodine's new antidepressant tracking app sets sights on postpartum …

“We anticipate that there are experiences and concerns unique to postpartum depression, and that there may be insights about what works best accordingly. We'll share these learnings back to the community regularly. And of …

Secret aid worker: your stories of mental health, PTSD and burnout …

Stress, PTSD, and general mental wellbeing are serious challenges for aid workers. Here are some of the stories you've shared recently.