
Teens with Bipolar Disorder, Depression have Higher Risk of Heart …

Teens who suffer from bipolar disorder or depression have a high risk of heart disease, The American Heart Association (AHA) says.

“Blessed are the crazy: breaking the silence about mental illness …

Sarah goes a step further to speak about the institution of the church and how many of these places of worship are not welcoming of individuals living with mental illness. She offers a sharp criticism of how some churches deal …

A new trial for the treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder | The …

Do you have Social Anxiety Disorder? Volunteers are needed for a clinical research study. Doctors are conducting a research study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of an investigational medication for social anxiety disorder …

Mental Health at the Movies | SAMHSA Blog

By: Paolo del Vecchio, M.S.W., Director, Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. This summer, moviegoers of all ages were treated to films and television shows that …

Nationally Renowned Disability Rights Advocate: “I'm Voting Yes on …

We connected with Lex to hear more about his story and why his experience as a disability rights advocate leads him to support a “Yes” vote on Houston's Proposition 1. Frieden is a long-time advocate for people with disabilities and a …