
Women's Rights and Disability Rights: Avoiding a Manichean …

I am strongly convinced I owe it to any past, present or future readers of the poems to clarify my views on women's rights and disability rights, and in particular with regards to disability-selective abortion in its various forms.

World Mental Health Day: recovery depends on the medicine of …

He told me about a period in his life when he spent four out of six years in a psychiatric hospital, had been sectioned under the Mental Health Act, experienced a debilitating psychosis, and was in a very bad place personally. …. Actually, I

NHS England » Better access to mental health services for older …

Mental health services for older people took root from clinical interest in the particular needs of older people compounded by the fact that their needs were not being well served by general adult services. This culminated in the …

Perceptual Disturbances Not a Major Predictor of Schizophrenia Onset

A new study has found that perceptual disturbances — a milder form of full-blown hallucinations — are not necessarily predictive symptoms of schizophrenia.

Can Caffeine Worsen Bipolar Disorder? | Bipolar Laid Bare

Caffeine is a drug, and it messes with your body chemistry. For people with bipolar disorder, that means proceeding with caution.