
The Art of Letting Go: My Battle with Generalized Anxiety Disorder …

By Deanna Orlando, NYAC member Letting go is a process. It will not happen overnight, but it will happen. My descent into Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) began during my first year in university. As a freshman, I was …

Would You Let Google Monitor Your Mental Health? How …

James Kirkup of the Telegraph has a very interesting article up, titled "Google wants to monitor your mental health. You should welcome it into your mind." Although the title is rather alarming, it isn't your mind that Google …

Disability Rights California's Report Finds Inadequate Mental Health …

Sacramento,California (PR MediaRelease) October 29, 2015 – Disability Rights California Releases Report Finding Excessive Solitary Confinement and Inadequate Mental Health Care in Sacramento County Jail.

Postpartum Depression (Infographic) | Monsenso

It is estimated that 10 to 15% of new adult mothers develop Postpartum Depression (PPD) within the first year after giving birth, and the percentage increases up to 26% in adolescent mothers; however, it often remains …

Mental Health Reform Act of 2015 | TheHill

Central to the bill is the recognition of the importance of building more effective partnerships among health and mental health care providers that ensures patient and family centered care. These include coordinated care …