
5 Things to remember when being a parent diagnosed with Bipolar …

This post looks into the challenges faced by parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder and provides some insight into how to develop a recovery plan inclusive of the well-being of their children. The Bipolar Disorder.

Helen Razer: more money needed for mental health services | Crikey

There is not enough money for mental health services, leaving different teams fighting for scraps.

De Blasio Grows Emotional In Talking About Mental Health Plan …

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — Mayor Bill de Blasio on Monday outlined a wide-ranging plan to support and treat New Yorkers suffering from mental illness. As WCBS 880's Rich Lamb reported, de Blasio saluted the battle …

Cougars embrace mental health awareness |

Cougars embrace mental health awareness. Major midget team has big day planned for Friday. Trevor Sprague has reached the conclusion that coaching today is a lot more than X's and O's. “I feel like a counsellor some days …

What Mental Health Courts Are Teaching Us About Rehabilitation …

Mental health courts sound like a great idea—just like the drug courts that inspired them. People with psychiatric disorders often have difficulty controlling their behavior; if you treat them effectively, you'll reduce crime and the …