
The Criminalization of People With Mental Illness in America: The …

The World Health Organization's slogan, that there is no health without mental health, is well known. In America this tag line conveys a similar message that policy makers need to establish a consensus-based mental health …

The Challenge of Treating Complex PTSD – Psychotherapy Networker

What to Do When Things Get Messy and Uncomfortable. MARY JO BARRETT & LINDA STONE FISH. MARY JO BARRETT & LINDA STONE FISH. When working with trauma cases do you often see clients go into flight, fight, and/or freeze?

Maria Bamford Was the Perfect Guest for 'The Mental Illness Happy …

It would be difficult to imagine a more perfect guest for The Mental Illness Happy Hour than Maria Bamford. In fact, it would only be a slight exaggeration to argue that Paul Gilmartin's essential exploration of the pain and …

Medicalising, differentiating between major depressive and bipolar …

Many patients with bipolar disorder, a debilitating mental condition that can take a person from the sluggishness of severe depression to super-human energy levels, are often misdiagnosed as having major depressive …

Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy | The impact of …

Abstract: Objective: Late-life depression (LLD) is a common and debilitating condition among older adults. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has strong empirical support for the treatment of depression in all ages, including …