
Paul Ryan: We Must Address Mental Illness To Curb Mass Shootings

Paul Ryan: We Must Address Mental Illness To Curb Mass Shootings. But he stressed that Congress shouldn't infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens. Willa Frej Reporter, The Huffington Post. 2 hours ago | Updated 2 …

What is Social Anxiety Disorder, and Do You Have It? – Harley Therapy

Social anxiety disorder is not just shyness, it also involves worries and fears about social interaction that makes everyday activities a challenge.

Global progress on disability rights | From Poverty to Power

[Quick note on terminology: we use the term 'persons with disabilities' to reflect the UNCRPD terminology, but we recognise that disability rights movements worldwide also use 'people with disabilities' or 'disabled people'].

Clowning Around: Today For The First Time Since I Can Remember …

Mental Health Humor send in the clowns – DARK HUMOR by Chato Stewart. Caption: Send in the Clowns…parts and pieces. See: Clowning Around: Today For The First Time Since I Can Remember-I Have HOPE PART 1.

Crisis intervention for people with severe mental illnesses | Cochrane

The move from hospital to community-based care can be a frightening and difficult experience for people with severe mental illness (SMI). People with mental health problems may not have networks of support such as family, …