Author Archives: Jeremy

About Jeremy

Site admin, computer geek, car guy, professional slacker.

mental health services needed' to prevent child suicides – NACCHO …

Children's exposure to family violence was a "major contributor" to the mental health of young people. services needed more funding for mental health, with remote communities having limited access through Aboriginal …

Post Conference Note – Mental Healthcare for Refugees in Berlin …

In January, the Global Health AG organized a conference and workshops on mental health care services for refugees in Berlin. We were happy to host about 80 participants from NGOs, the political sector, from hospitals, …

Optical Illusions That Predict Schizophrenia | AllPsych Blog

Symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, but when it comes to optical illusions, people with the disorder may have a better grasp on reality than most.

More options, less stigma: the evolution of PTSD treatment

AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW) — Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the most serious issues facing our nation's military, but sadly, a lot of service members don't get help. Veterans and professionals agree – denial is one of the …

Movie Review: Ultrarunning Vs. Mental Illness In 'Fifty' – Gear Junkie

When a man loses his brother-in-law to mental illness, he challenges himself to run 50 mountain marathons in 50 days, resulting in a movie, and a movement.