Author Archives: Jeremy

About Jeremy

Site admin, computer geek, car guy, professional slacker.

I Have Postpartum Depression – My Baby Never Sleeps – Redbook

I was suffering from postpartum depression and my baby was not sleeping.

Study: Doctors Don't Take Mental Health As Seriously As Physical …

Negative stereotypes deeply affect those with mental health conditions and may even discourage them from getting proper medical treatment. And now research suggests this stigma even creates an unconscious bias among …

The 25 worst states for health care access, see where Oklahoma …

This score looks at physician density, dentist density, percent insured, median household income, number of mental health care shortage areas and whether or not there is a medicare-registered hospital in the county.

The 25 worst states for health care access | WGN-TV

This score looks at physician density, dentist density, percent insured, median household income, number of mental health care shortage areas and whether or not there is a medicare-registered hospital in the county.

Can yoga help those experiencing depression, anxiety or PTSD …

Overall, the researchers found that yoga holds potential promise for helping improve anxiety, depression, PTSD and/or the psychological consequences of trauma at least in the short term. The study, published recently in the …