Month: February 2016

Anxiety disorder three times more likely among older adults with …

The prevalence of past-year generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for adults aged 50 and older with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is much higher compared to older adults without COPD (5.8 percent vs 1.7 …

Generalized anxiety disorder is three times more likely among older …

Toronto, ON – The prevalence of past-year generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for adults aged 50 and older with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is much higher compared to older adults without COPD (5.8% …

Fixing the UK's mental health crisis will need both police and health …

This article is from: Fixing the UK's mental health crisis will need both police and health …

Clinical Pearls: Self-Care and Managing Bipolar Disorder | bpHope …

In treating bipolar disorder and from personal experience, I have found that the patients who take care of themselves are the ones who ultimately do the best. Ultimately I hope this inspires you to take note of what you are and …

The State Department Isn't Sick of Hillary's Emails; When Mental …

The latest in Hillary Clinton's email investigation; when mental illness turns violent; predictions for the global economy; U.S. Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ11).