Month: February 2016

Disability rights activists protest seeking assistance Global Alliance …

CHENNAI, INDIA: Four disability rights groups together staged a protest at Chepauk on Monday, asking the government to meet a number of their demands. About 700 gathered for the protest, said C. Manoharan, project …

Health Beat: A new way to banish panic attacks | Health Beat – Home

Sweaty palms, spinning head, racing heart and blocked lungs. That's how someone having a panic or anxiety attack describes the sudden, intense changes they go through. But now, a new device is training patients to …

Presidential hopeful speaks out on proposed mental health cuts for …

It's unconscionable that as a result of the governor's budget proposal mental health services for Oklahoma children may get cut first rather than closing irresponsible tax giveaways to corporations. States need to invest more in …

2 in 5 people with schizophrenia attempt suicide – Futurity

"Even after taking into account most of the known risk factors for suicide attempts, those with schizophrenia had six times the odds of having attempted suicide in comparison to those without schizophrenia," says Esme …

Could Pregnancy Reduce Symptoms of PTSD? –

For about 75% of women with high rates of PTSD, pregnancy may actually help to decrease symptoms such as depression and anxiety.