Month: February 2016

My Mental Illness is Not Your Inspirational Post-it Note – Jim C. Hines

I blogged a week ago about mental illness and antidepressants, prompted by an exchange I had with a troll on the #imnotashamed hashtag on Twitter. I like and support the stated mission of Team Notashamed: “to spread the …

First Lady Chirlane McCray Seeks to Fill Cracks in Mental Illness Care

First Lady of New York City Chirlane McCray and Gary Belkin of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene discuss …

Duma rejects Disability Rights Commissioner | The BEARR Trust

Deputies reject bill on the creation of a Disability Rights Commissioner. 17.02.2016. The State Duma has concluded that the mandate of a proposed new ombudsman would overlap with the remit of existing institutions. The Duma rejected the …

Bullied preemies may develop mental illness as adults, study shows …

A new study on adult mental health included extremely low birth weight babies who were 2.2 pounds or less at their birth between 1977 and 1982 in Ontario. These adults were interviewed at age 8, 22 to 26 and 29 to 36.

Approach mental health like cancer care: prevention is key …

For decades cancer strategy has focused on early prevention and diagnosis. Now we must do the same with mental health.