Month: February 2016

Michelle Obama Takes A Stand On Mental Health | News One

In her piece, she also salutes Her Royal Highness, Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge for her own initiative to highlight the importance of young children's mental health. Both the First Lady and the Duchess wrote pieces as part of the Young Minds Matter editorial series for the site to raise awareness. Michelle Obama also talked about the importance of acknowledging mental health troubles within families – instead of downplaying them: Sadly, too often, the stigma …

Are treatment guidelines on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder just …

Originally from: Are treatment guidelines on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder just …

Everyone Should Read About The 10 Personality Disorders….

Nevertheless, personality disorders are important to health professionals because they predispose to mental disorder, and affect the presentation and management of existing mental disorder. They also result in considerable …

Touched With Fire: The Two Faces of Bipolar Disorder | World of …

Bipolar disorder is both a blessing and a curse. Some people who have bipolar disorder swear by the manic or hypomanic state they sometimes find themselves in. Not only do they feel full of energy and capable of doing just …

'Touched with Fire' finds drama, beauty in mental illness | Minnesota …

In "Touched with Fire," Carla (Katie Holmes) and Marco (Luke Kirby) try to build a life together after completing therapy. However, when Marco decides he wants to embrace the emotional and creative highs of his condition, …