Month: February 2016

'Nut job,' 'wacko': How Donald Trump's put-downs may impact …

'Nut job,' 'wacko': How Donald Trump's put-downs may impact mental health stigma. Originally published February 23, 2016 at 3:46 pm. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally Monday in Las Vegas.

Study of therapy for psychosis gone missing | Mind the Brain

Continued –  Study of therapy for psychosis gone missing | Mind the Brain

No One Wins When You Try to Diagnose Kanye West – Jezebel

In a society in which mental health education is scarce, and we've just barely begun discussing the issue publicly—and in which a person's fluctuating state of mind is often on display on social media—it's an increasingly …

Letter to the editor: Mental health services are needed at ARC | The …

To the Editor: RE: Timothy Lipuma's “Mental health services are needed at ARC”. As an ARC alumna and current Sacramento State student who co-exists with major depression and PTSD, I want the student body to know that …

A Parent's Guide to Understanding Childhood Anxiety | World of …

There are different types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).