Month: December 2015

Is mental illness contagious? – Raw Story

But, as she argues in her exquisitely written and well-supported book, accepting the notion of “catching” mental illness requires blurring the line between afflictions of the mind and body, a false dichotomy exacerbated by a …

16 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health In 2016 – Huffington Post

New Year's resolutions often focus on improving physical health, but what if you focused on mental health this year? While the culture at large often dismisses mental self-care, in part because of the stigma against those facing …

A Vaccine for Depression? – Nautilus

They treat depression as if it were caused by a chemical imbalance: Pump in more of one key ingredient, or sop up another, and you will have fixed the problem. Beck_BR-2 Prepared: One day, soldiers heading into combat could be … “I really do think stress is to mental illness as cigarettes are to heart disease,” says Gerard Sanacora, the psychiatry professor running the ketamine trial at Yale. The theory describes stress grinding down individual neurons gradually, as …

Could Ketamine Be Used to Vaccinate for Depression or PTSD?

Depression is the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 30 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. But despite half a century of research, ubiquitous advertising, and blockbuster sales, …

Mental Health Hearing Gets Hot – The Santa Barbara Independent

There was much talk about “the elephant in the room” during the Board of Supervisors' lengthy discussion of major reform efforts underway the past two years on how mental-health services are delivered in Santa Barbara …