Month: December 2015

Inslee proposes $137 million for mental-health services | The Seattle …

Gov. Jay Inslee's new budget proposal includes more than $137 million for the state's beleaguered mental-health system at a time when it's under fire on several fronts.

Governor proposes millions for mental health services | Q13 FOX …

SEATTLE (AP) — Gov. Jay Inslee's new budget proposal includes more than $137 million for the state's beleaguered mental health system. The funding comes as the state is trying to comply with a federal court order that …

Review: PTSD resources lacking for nonveterans – Medical Xpress

Among the sources of PTSD in civilian life are natural disasters such as tornadoes. New research finds that information and access to care need improvement for nonveterans. Credit: MadriCR/Wikimedia Commons.

Governor proposes millions for mental health services | The …

Inslee also wants to invest in community-based services to treat people who are in an acute mental health crisis in order to minimize the need for sending them to the overcrowded and under-staffed psychiatric hospitals.

Mental Illness on Television in 2015 | Flavorwire

Television's defining trait as a medium is its length. We spend anywhere from four to 24 hours a year with our shows, which breeds both intimacy (hence, "our shows") and inevitable frustrations.