Month: September 2015

Iodine's new antidepressant tracking app sets sights on postpartum …

“We anticipate that there are experiences and concerns unique to postpartum depression, and that there may be insights about what works best accordingly. We'll share these learnings back to the community regularly. And of …

Secret aid worker: your stories of mental health, PTSD and burnout …

Stress, PTSD, and general mental wellbeing are serious challenges for aid workers. Here are some of the stories you've shared recently.

New Joint Clinical And Police Response To Help People With …

The Andrews Labor Government will provide $226,250 this financial year to introduce a new Mental Health and Police Response (MHaP Response) partnership between Austin Health and Victoria Police in the north-eastern …

Online forums help Alberta Medical Association advocate for better …

A new online forum,, set up earlier this year has received responses from people saying they struggle to access mental health care, and, once they receive it, the quality is less than ideal. The questionnaire …

Medication Changes for Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder …

People with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder are no strangers to medication changes (Mental Health Medication Changes Require a Doctor's Input). Maybe the medicinal cocktail prescribed isn't relieving symptoms …